Within 6 months, conversions improved by 713%, and the cost per conversion decreased by $12.83

From December 2022 to May 2023, conversions improved by 713%, and the cost per conversion decreased by $12.83

Top 5 Primary Keywords;

Healthcare Service in Chicago & Flint

The Challenge We Faced:

When we started managing the campaign for the healthcare service category, we faced significant initial challenges. High competition for ranking the ads made it difficult to achieve visibility and drive traffic effectively. Ad approval restrictions were another major hurdle, as the sensitivity of health-related content often led to delays or rejections in the approval process. Additionally, increasing bids for specific audiences was limited due to the nature of healthcare advertising, as we couldn’t target individuals personally because of privacy and ethical considerations.

What We Have Done:

With our campaign using a manual CPC bid strategy, we initially increased bids for keywords that had a limited bid status, aiming to achieve first-position bid rankings. After evaluating the campaign’s conversion data over weeks, we launched experimental campaigns using the “Maximize Conversions” bid strategy to improve results further. We carefully crafted ad copy with text that adhered to Google’s ad policies for the healthcare industry, ensuring compliance and avoiding potential rejections. We added sufficient negative keywords to reduce unwanted ad spending and enhance budget efficiency. To improve the quality score, we incorporated primary keywords into the landing page content, significantly increasing its relevance and alignment with user search queries. These efforts combined to optimize our campaign performance and drive better outcomes.

What We Achieved:

Within five months of managing the campaigns, the overall conversions increased from 47 to 382, while decreasing the cost per conversion from $42.2 to $29.36
  • Google Ads Campaign Manager
  • Keyword Planner
  • GA4
  • Performance Planner
  • CallRail
  • Ahref
  • EzyPMS Account Management Tool
  • Ads Editor
  • Brightlocal
  • Karooya
  • ReportGarden
  • Anyword