Achieved a remarkable increase in the conversion rate from 2.4% to 19.1%, while simultaneously reducing the cost per conversion
Boosted the conversion rate from 2.4% to 19.1% while reducing the cost per conversion, all within the same ad budget.
Top 5 Primary Keywords;
garage doors
garage door parts sacramento
garage door repair
garage spring repair
new garage door installation
The Challenge We Faced:
The client’s Google Ads campaign was disorganized due to using the basic guided setup. This led to campaigns optimized for higher ad spend with broad targeting for location, keywords, and audience. Keywords were not categorized and were poorly organized across different match types. Additionally, most ads had limited headlines and descriptions, resulting in low ad strength.
What We Have Done:
At whiteDigital, we analyzed the existing campaign structure and data. Based on our findings, we organized and categorized the keywords into separate ad groups. We removed redundant and non-converting keywords to prevent unnecessary spending. Additionally, we refined the ads by adding new headlines and descriptions to the existing campaigns. We also created new campaigns for previously untargeted services. These optimization efforts resulted in improved performance month over month.
What We Achieved:
Through continuous optimization efforts, we achieved a remarkable increase in the conversion rate from 2.4% to 19.1%, while simultaneously reducing the cost per conversion, all within the same ad budget.
Account Manager: Milcah, Paid Advertising Expert
Client Dedicated Manager: Jeslin
Support Staff: Akshaya, Reegan, Jenisha
Expert Audit: Jenics
Quality Check: Afexena
Tools Used:
Google Ads Campaign Manager
Keyword Planner
Performance Planner
EzyPMS Account Management Tool
Ads Editor
Google Ads API (Internal Search Term Analysis & Bid Management Tool).
Tools Used
Google Ads Campaign Manager
Keyword Planner
Performance Planner
EzyPMS Account Management Tool
Ads Editor
Google Ads API (Internal Search Term Analysis & Bid Management Tool).