Overall conversion rate increased from 15.61% to 19.67%, resulting in a 33.33% increase in conversions

Conversions +33% increased within two months

Top 5 Primary Keywords;

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The Challenge We Faced:

1) Ad Disapprovals: Violations of Google Ads policies.
2) Low Quality Score: : Poor ad relevance and inadequate landing page experience.
3) Bidding Issues: : Improper bid strategy.
4) Conversion Tracking Issues:: Incorrect tag placement.
5) Poor Ad Performance: : Ineffective ad copy, irrelevant keywords, and high competition.
6) Underperforming Keywords: : Low search volume, high competition, and irrelevance to ads.

What We Have Done:

We (@whiteDigital) analyzed the existing campaign structure and data. Based on our findings, we made the following optimizations to improve conversions.
i) Reviewed the disapproval reason, made the necessary adjustments to comply with policies, and resubmitted for review.
ii) Improved ad relevance by aligning ad copy with targeted keywords and enhancing the landing page quality.
iii) Created experiments with different bid strategies (e.g., Maximize Conversions, Target CPA).
iv) Verified the conversion tracking setup and ensured all necessary tags are properly installed and firing.
v) Conducted A/B testing with different ad copies and refined the keyword list to ensure relevance.
vi) Used keyword research tools to find better-performing keywords, adjusted keyword match types, and continually optimized based on performance data.

What We Achieved:

Within two months of managing the campaigns, the overall conversion rate increased from 15.61% to 19.67% (a 26.05% increase), resulting in a 33.33% increase in conversions. Additionally, the cost per conversion decreased by $19.
  • Google Ads Campaign Manager
  • Keyword Planner
  • GA4
  • Performance Planner
  • Ahref
  • EzyPMS Account Management Tool
  • Ads Editor
  • Google Ads API (Internal Search Term Analysis & Bid Management Tool).