Roadmap to White Label PPC for Agencies


  1. The Beginning of the Journey
    • Knowing the Terrain
  1. Taking the first step  to White Label PPC
    • What is a White Label?
    • PPC and Paid Ads
    • What is White Label PPC?
    • Do you really need White Label PPC?
    • Key Benefits of White Label PPC
  2. Understanding White Label PPC Industry
    • Significant Factors of White-Label PPC Advertising
    • Best Paid Advertising Platforms in 2024
    • Essential Components of PPC Campaigns
  3. White Label PPC Cost
    • White Label PPC Setup Cost
    • White Label PPC Fixed Cost
    • White Label PPC Cost on Percentage of Ad Spend
    • White Label PPC Pay Per Performance Cost
  1. Determining the Right Path by Choosing the Best White Label PPC Partner
    • Factors to Consider When Selecting a White-Label PPC Partner
    • Freelancers Vs White Label Agency
  2. Setting the Sail with the First White Label PPC Campaign
    • Setting up the Goals and Tracking
    • Keyword Research and Targeting
    • Ad Copy Creation and Landing Page Optimization
    • Campaign Monitoring and Optimization
    • Budget Management
    • Performance Reporting
  3. Expanding Horizons by Scaling White Label PPC Services
    • Scaling up with new Platforms
    • Expand to new Niches
  4. Navigating Stormy Seas and How to Overcome Them
    • Dealing with PPC Policies, Platform Changes
    • Handling Changes in Products and Services for PPC Campaigns
    • Client Expectation Management
  5. What to Expect and Not to Expect in the Journey
    • Pre-Sales: PPC Audit, Proposals, Budgeting
    • Marketing, Client Management

1. The Beginning of the Journey

Knowing the Terrain

Before beginning the journey, one should understand the terrain. Running a profitable digital marketing agency, irrespective of its size is not that easy. The digital marketing landscape is overcrowded as anyone with little or no digital marketing experience can start an agency.

Numerous agencies are opening up all over the world, and many of them close their doors in a matter of years if not months. The main reasons for failures are finding the right talents, training and retaining them, adapt to the ever-changing digital marketing strategies, technologies, etc.

A journey begins by assessing the terrain and choosing the right path. This roadmap provides insights for an agency owner to start and continue their journey of white-label PPC partnership.

2. Taking the First Step towards White Label PPC
white label PPC

What is a White Label?

White label service or product is a service or product supplied by business ‘A’ to business ‘B’ where business ‘B’ rebrands the product or service and sells it to their clientele. For e.g. mobile phones manufactured in China are rebranded worldwide and sold under different brands. Business A takes care of the entire process including R&D, QC, and Delivery behind the scenes. Business B rebrands it and sets its own price which is typically 3 to 6X of the price they paid to A. Thus without any additional cost or any risk business B makes 2 to 5X on their investment even if they spend a significant amount on rebranding, marketing, and advertising.

PPC and Paid Ads

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is an integral part of paid advertising where the advertiser pays only when the Ad is clicked. PPC advertising does not charge for impressions no matter 10 or 10,000 but only charges for the number of clicks. PPC Ads are more efficient with good ROI (Return on Investment) as the Ads are targeted to an audience with a specific interest or intent. PPC Ads are shown mainly on SERPS – Search Engine Result Pages above or below the results. Some of the popular PPC platforms are

  • Google Ads
  • Meta (Facebook & Insta Ads)
  • Bing Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Amazon Ads

Paid ads on the other hand have a fixed flat fee to run ads for a given number of impressions. Advertisers pay the platforms in CPM – Cost per Mille which is 1000 impressions. Mille is a Latin word for thousand. Impression is counted as and when the publisher displays the Ad and is viewable to the user. Video views are also charged for CPM. Different types of paid ads include

  • Display Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Sponsored
  • Boosting Posts
  • Promoted Posts
  • Rich Media Ads

What is White Label PPC?

White label PPC is the process of Agency – A partnering with Agency – B (White label PPC Service Provider) to set up and manage PPC services to their clients. The white label PPC service provider works behind the scenes for Agency-A – A to maintain Agency A’s client accounts and report under Agency A’s brand. They pretty much take care of every aspect of PPC management including but not limited to Industry Research, Competition Analysis, Keyword Research, Campaign Setup, Ad Creatives, Bid Management, Negative Keywords, Campaign Optimization, and reporting under Agency A’s brand.

The white label PPC service provider may be a Google Agency partner, Meta Business Partner, or Microsoft Partner, and will have the tools and resources to fulfill Agency A’s PPC advertising needs. In some cases white label PPC service providers offer free audit, Budget Proposals to Agency A’s clients under Agency A’s brand. A white label PPC service provider will never contact directly or indirectly Agency A’s clients even after the contract is over. While partnering with an Outsourcing agency the white label agency will sign strict NDAs for confidential information, data security, and anonymity.

Do you really need White Label PPC?

Is this path the right path? Do you really need to take this path? What should you expect in this journey? That depends on the main goal of your business. If you want to build your agency with PPC as a major focus then white label PPC is the right path for you. With the expertise of the white label agency, you can skill up your marketing team to convince potential businesses and get more business. You starting with your own PPC team from scratch is a risky journey with a lot of hurdles, trials, and errors, invest in resources, tools, etc. Working with a white label PPC partner will enable your marketing team and client support team to streamline the operations with a clear workflow.

If your agency’s major focus is not PPC you can complement your clients with PPC solutions through your white label PPC agency partner, thus getting more business while making your client happy.  So the bottom line is that as an agency white label PPC is the right path to choose either you wish to be a major PPC service provider or provide PPC solutions as a part of your service.

Key Benefits of White Label PPC

Let us look at some of the many benefits of white label PPC and how it can be a quintessential part in growing your agency.

  • Explore new markets without any infrastructure costs.
  • Eliminate the hassle and costs associated with building an in-house PPC team.
  • Get the best expertise from your white label PPC partner
  • Pre-sales support from white label PPC partners such as free white label PPC audit for existing campaigns, forecasting, budgeting, and white label proposals to get new business.
  • Keep up with the latest trends in PPC, offering cutting-edge technology to your clients with maximum Return on Investment.
  • White label PPC reports which you have to just forward to your clients.

3. Understanding White Label PPC Industry

Significant Factors of White Label PPC Advertising

Brick and Mortar office – The white label PPC provider should have an office with all the staff working full time.

Availability – They should be available at your time to address queries and resolve it as and when needed.

Cost – You should be able to charge at least 2.5x times what your white label PPC service provider charges you.

Case Studies – The white label PPC provider should showcase a series of success stories across various industries.

Certificates, Awards, Accolades – Your PPC service provider should be certified by paid advertising platforms such as Google Ads Partner, Meta, Microsoft Agency Partner, Amazon Ads Business Partner, etc.

NDA – Foolproof NDA with strict clauses for data security, privacy delivery time, etc.

Best Paid Advertising Platforms in 2024

white label PPC

While there are numerous paid advertising platforms, we will look into the major platforms where the clients will see instant results with detailed analytics, and ROI.

Google Ads – Google Ads which started as Google AdWords is definitely the first and foremost PPC platform that evolves with the trends and customer persona. Google Ads contribute to over 30 % of the entire PPC market. With AI-supported technologies and detailed analytics, this is the number one platform for PPC Ads. They offer a variety of PPC advertising options including

  • Responsive Ads
  • Text Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Gmail Ads
  • Shopping Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • Performance Max Ads
  • Smart Campaigns
  • App
  • Video Ads (YouTube)

Meta Ads (FB) – Facebook Ads or Meta Ads which includes Instagram ads is the next major player in the PPC industry. FB ads blend with organic posts and target audiences based on behavior, demographics, intent, etc. This is well suited for retail and fashion products. FB ads help to improve brand visibility, product launches, events, etc. With 3 billion active users every month FB ads are undisputedly the second-best platform for PPC.

Bing Ads (Microsoft) – Like Google Ads Bing Ads also serve a variety of PPC options but the audience is very limited compared to Google. When it comes to CPC (Cost per Click) it is comparatively less than Google Ads. This can be an excellent addition to Google Ads to reach the sector that is not using Chrome or Google Search.

LinkedIn Ads – This is the best choice for B2B businesses who look forward to expanding their business by collaborating with CEOs, Marketing Managers, and decision-makers.  With LinkedIn Ads, you can target professionals by industry, designation, company size, and other business aspects such as Years in business, founders, etc.  It is an excellent platform for generating leads. LinkedIn Ads are very expensive compared to other platforms.

Amazon Shopping Ads – Exclusive for anyone who sells products on Amazon. This is essential for new merchants who want to position their brand on Amazon. Amazon ads ROI is usually measured on ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

(X) Twitter Ads – X ads are best suited to create a buzz around an event, political campaign, product launch, etc.

Essential Components of PPC Campaigns

Your white label PPC partner should be able to deliver PPC campaigns with the essential components of PPC campaigns. Here are a few major components of PPC you should consider.

Converting Keywords (Key Phrases) – Keywords play the most vital role in the success of a PPC campaign. The selection of converting Keywords or key phrases ensures the success of PPC campaigns with a good ROI.

Compelling Ad-Creatives – For a potential customer to click the ads, it should be precise, compelling, and have the right call to action. It is essential to test your ad creatives to determine which ads have the best CTR (Click Through Rate) with better conversions.

Landing Page – Landing pages should have relevance to the keywords, and ad creatives to ensure a good quality score. It should have a clear call to action positioned at the right places. It is recommended that landing pages should be A/B tested with at least three variations with multivariate testing.

Target Audience – PPC ads should be targeted based on a certain location, demographics, household income, and various other factors to get the best ROI.

Campaign Management – Your white label PPC service provider should monitor the campaigns on a regular basis depending on the Ad-Spend. They should be removing negative keywords, adding new keywords, testing ad creatives, and landing pages, and doing bid management for keywords. They should monitor the ROI of every campaign and ad group to optimize them for the best performance.

Reports with Key Metrics – White label PPC reports should be precise with key metrics that indicate how beneficial the campaigns are for your client. It should cut all the clutter and noise by eliminating unwanted metrics.

 4. White Label PPC Cost
white label PPC

There are a number of pricing options for white label PPC services. White label PPC Cost varies from fixed cost, percentage on ad spend, Performance-based rates, and hourly rates.  Let us see the various plans for different types of jobs involved in white label PPC.

White Label PPC Setup Cost

PPC campaign setup cost depends on the size of the account. Most of the white label service providers offer it for free if there is a contract for a minimum of six months and the ad spend is a couple of thousand a month.  However, for larger accounts with over 5k spend, they may have to create multiple campaigns with a significant number of keywords, ad creatives, landing pages, etc. Usually, the setup charge will not exceed $250 for accounts up to $10k ad-spend per month.

White Label PPC Management: Fixed Cost

The fixed cost model is well suited for smaller accounts with ad-spend in the range of 1-3K per month. White label service providers charge anything from $80 – $140 as a fixed fee to manage the campaigns which includes all regular PPC campaign management tasks with white label reports.

White Label PPC Cost: Percentage of Ad Spend

This is the very common pricing model as the ad-spend varies from season to season, time to time depending on a number of factors. The client pays a percentage of what they spend on that particular month. So if your client wants to pause the campaigns for a period of time, you need not pay your white label PPC service provider. When your client wants to spend more on a season he is entitled to do it without any hassles in pricing. The white label charges may start from 3% of ad-spend to 7% based on the ad-spend, the higher the ad-spend lower the management cost.

White Label PPC Pay Per Performance Cost

This is not a very popular pricing model as it is a daunting task to track down the performance as so many variables are in the equation such as product returns, refunds, delivery issues, margins, etc. However, this works on lead generation campaigns though the quality of the leads is a major factor. Here the client pays an amount based on the performance which doesn’t have a strict yardstick.

5. Determining the Right Path by Choosing the Best White Label PPC Partner

Factors to Consider When Selecting a White Label PPC Partner

You need to consider the most important factors while selecting the white label partner. This will ensure a long-lasting frictionless successful relationship with your white label partner.

White Label PPC Cost – Cost is the first and foremost factor to opt for white label service. The white label PPC service cost should be as such that you can charge 2.5 – 5 times to your client. Cost plays a very important role and have a foolproof agreement on the agreed costs so that the PPC service provider will not increase the cost for a certain period of time.

Years in Business – Digital marketing agencies spring up dime a dozen every day with little or no infrastructure or digital marketing experience to provide sustainable, scalable white label PPC services. Make sure that the white label PPC partner is well-established with at least three years of experience in PPC-related services.

Scalability – Is it possible for the service provider to scale up operations as and when you grow your client base? They should be able to take in your clients and finish your client projects on time with quality.

Expertise in PPC – Do they have certified experts for Google Ads, FB, Amazon Shopping, etc.?  The white label PPC service provider should have certified experts with the expertise to execute your client’s PPC projects with quality and on time.

Dedicated Account Manager for PPC Campaigns – Your white label PPC partner should be able to allocate a dedicated manager who will be the single point of contact for you or your team. The dedicated manager should be an expert in PPC services and readily available to address your client queries.

Time Zone – The white label PPC team should be available in your time zone to address any urgent client queries. It is not possible for the entire team to be available but make sure the team heads are available at a scheduled time of the day.

NDA – Sign a detailed NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) with the white label PPC provider ensuring data security, privacy, delivery, cost, etc.

White label PPC Reporting – White Label PPC reports should have your brand, theme, and contact info with detailed metrics so that you can just forward to your clients.

Here is a complete list of White Label PPC FAQ

Freelancers Vs White Label Agency

There are hundreds of thousands of freelancers available on Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, Fiverr, Peopleperhour and more. When you post a project there you will get dozens of bids starting from $5 to $100. Okay, so why not go for freelancing when a freelancer can execute your project for a very less amount compared to a white label service provider?

First of all, you need to go through the dozens of bids and evaluate every freelancer on what their capabilities are and their past reviews, delivery time etc. It is a very time-consuming process. Freelancers do not work exclusively for you. By the time you finalize the freelancer he or she may not be available to do your project as they may have committed to some other job. So you have to evaluate the rest of the freelancers which may result in a tedious cycle.

Once you have hired a freelancer to execute the PPC project you will have to educate him on what your project is, what your expectations are, your company details, how the reporting should be and other minute details. Freelancers communicate through the platform e.g. Fiverr and chances are that they do not respond in time as they are not readily available on instant messenger, WhatsApp, or other mediums of communication.

When your client needs any modification on the project or if you have to correct any data provided earlier it is next to impossible to implement as the PPC freelancer will demand more money to execute the project with the modifications. This may result in loss of money, time, and misunderstanding.

Freelance PPC providers work on numerous projects which may result in missing deadlines with you having no control over them. This leads to delays in project execution and thus loss of clients. 

Compared to freelance PPC service providers, white label PPC partners may charge a little more but they have the dedication to complete projects with quality and in time as you have strict NDAs emphasizing quality delivery. A white label PPC partner is readily available for any changes in your client projects and will not charge you for minor changes as you have a partnership agreement. 

6. Setting the Sail with the First White Label PPC Campaign
white label PPC

The successful execution of the first project is very vital for a long-term partnership with your white label PPC partner. Keep a keen watch on how they process the data, the communication, and the steps they take to create successful campaigns. A PPC campaign involves the following important tasks. Make sure your PPC service provider takes extreme care to execute them.

Setting up the Goals and Tracking

Explain clearly the business objectives of your client’s business and what to expect from the PPC campaigns. To achieve your client’s business objectives certain Goals have to be defined, let it be a number of lead generation or e-commerce sales, customer acquisition, or a simple sign-up for the newsletter.  The white label PPC provider should set up the funnels to achieve the ultimate goal. Tracking the Goal path, and visitors with tags or pixels is equally important to study customer behavior and remarketing.

Keyword Research and Targeting

You have to supply the primary keywords to your white label service provider and their team will do a thorough keyword analysis recommending the best performing key phrases, long-tailed key phrases with the search volume in the particular location along with the rates for the top positions. Also, they will do a competitor keyword research to come up with the best-converting keywords. This includes the targeted audiences and the potential customers who are interested in your client’s business. This involves search intent, demographics, household income, customer persona, and various other factors.

Ad Creatives and Landing Page Optimization for PPC

The next step your white label PPC service provider is to create compelling ad creatives with the appropriate keywords. They will create responsive ads with call to actions, provide data for smart ads, DSA, Performance max campaigns or feeds if it is a shopping campaign. The landing pages are optimized for the keywords, ad creatives to reflect the intent with call to actions at the right positions.

Campaign Monitoring and Optimization for PPC Campaigns

PPC campaigns require constant monitoring to analyze which keywords are converting, which ad creative is performing well, the keywords that are not performing, the impression share lost by budget, impression share lost due to quality score, adding up new potential keywords and a lot more. Depending on the ad-spend this may be monitored and optimized every hour, day, or week. This involves flagging keywords as negative, tweaking or pausing ads that are not performing, and optimizing demographics for best performance.

Budget Management for PPC campaigns

Managing campaign budgets is the quintessential part of a successful PPC campaign. A good white label PPC expert will identify the best-performing Ads, Ad-groups, Campaigns, and Channels and allocate the budget accordingly while pausing or lowering the budgets for low or bad performing Ads, Ad-groups, Campaigns, and channels for maximum conversions with low cost per conversion.

White Label PPC Reporting

A white label PPC report should match the theme of the outsourcing agency including the styles, fonts, color theme, etc. It should reflect the exact brand with logo, and full contact details of the agency client. White label PPC reporting should contain Key Performance Indicators (KPI) with a comparison to the previous period along with the actions taken for the reporting period.

7. Expanding Horizons by Scaling White Label PPC Services

Scaling Up with New Platforms for White Label PPC

Certain platforms provide good ROI on specific businesses, for example, Instagram ads are best suited for fashion, retail product launches, etc. While you expand your diversified client base your white label PPC provider should be able to provide PPC services on these platforms.  Here are some popular platforms other than Google and FB.

  • Instagram Ads – Best suited to target young audiences for fashion, lifestyle, travel, beauty, etc.
  • YouTube Ads – Wide range of audiences and can be used for branding, product launches, promotions, political campaigns, and much more.
  • Twitter (X) Ads – Target users who are interested in trending topics, news, politics, and brands who need to engage with niche communities.
  • LinkedIn Ads – Target High-end B2B buyers, professionals, and Job seekers.
  • Amazon Shopping Ads – Target Amazon Shoppers.
  • Reddit Ads – Target niche communities, and tech-savvy professionals.
  • Taboola – Target audiences who are interested in news, articles, and blogs.

Expand to new PPC Niches

As you grow your agency business you can expand your horizons by acquiring new clients from a profitable niche. This will help your agency grow in leaps and bounds as you will quickly learn and adapt to the niche you work with. Your white label service provider should be able to provide PPC campaigns with max ROAS to the industry niche. They should also be well aware of the competition and opportunity in the particular niche. The interesting fact about niche marketing is that you will become an expert in the industry as your focus will be on the particular niche which leads to close deals faster. Some of the hot profitable niches are,

  • Dentists – General Dentists, Orthodontists, Endodontists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.
  • Law Firms & Lawyers – Personal Injury Lawyers, Divorce Lawyers, Estate Planning Lawyers, Bankruptcy Lawyers, Intellectual Property Lawyers, Employment Lawyers, Corporate Lawyers, Immigration Lawyers, Criminal Lawyers.
  • Senior Care – Assisted Living Centres, Memory Care, Nursing Homes, Retirement Communities, Hospices, and Palliative Care Centres.
  • Real Estate – Real Estate Promoters, Real Estate Agents, Architects, Builders, Real Estate Finance, Mortgage Companies.

More profitable PPC niches for agencies.

8. Navigating Stormy Seas and How to Overcome Them
white label PPC

Dealing with PPC Policies, Platform Changes

PPC platforms especially Google Ads and FB ads change their ad-serving policies incessantly and may stop serving ads abruptly when these policies are not implemented. The same applies to other platforms that regularly implement new policies.  Of course, they may mail about the changes but then it is like a needle in a haystack as they are also bombarded with too many emails. Your white label PPC agency should be able to track the changes and implement them as and when they are released. If your white label service provider is a Google Partner Agency, Meta Business Partner, Microsoft Advertising Partner, Amazon Ads Verified Partner, Chances are that they may be informed directly by the respective platforms. 

Handling Changes in Products and Services for PPC Campaigns

Case 1- Your client may have changed a product or service which may violate platform policies.

Case 2– The product may be sold out or a service is no longer available.

Solution for case 1 – Your client should inform you as soon as they have made any changes to their product or service and you have to provide the info to your white label PPC service provider. They will have to review the updates and get back to you if there are any red flags which you will have to inform your client.

Solution for case 2 – As and when your client informs you that they no longer offer the product or service, you pass it on to your white label service provider who will then pause the ads for the particular product or service.

Client Expectation Management

Case 1 – Your client has not done PPC campaigns before and may often have unrealistic expectations because there is nothing to compare to the possible outcome of PPC results or ROI.

Solution: In this case, you can offer a pilot PPC project which your white label PPC service provider should offer free of cost or for a bare minimum fee.  This will be useful to test the waters before jumping in with the original budget. Advise your marketing team to set realistic goals on the time, budget, conversions, or sales.

For new PPC campaigns, it may take 3 -6 months’ time to get fully optimized as the platform needs to learn the targeted audience behavior. The new clients should be advised that it is like going to GYM where you grow your physique day by day and not overnight.

Case 2 – Your potential client is running a PPC campaign without good ROI or negative ROI.

Solution: Understand your client’s business and their competition.

Are their products or services overpriced or of inferior quality compared to the competition? Are their landing pages optimized for good quality scores?

Is there any issue with the tracking code?

Are they focusing on the right keywords and target audience?

Your white label PPC service partner should offer a free PPC audit on their campaigns to identify the issues.

10. What to Expect and Not to Expect in the Journey
white label PPC

Expect: Pre-Sales Support, PPC Audit, Proposals, Budgeting

White label PPC service providers should provide pre-sales support by performing keyword analysis, recommended budget, and free campaign audit for existing PPC campaigns. You can expect

  • Free Keyword Analysis for PPC campaigns
  • Free Budget Recommendations for PPC Accounts based on keyword volume and CPC
  • Free white label PPC Audit on existing PPC campaigns
  • Free white label PPC Proposals
  • Market Research and Support
  • Knowledge sharing on new PPC trends, Policy changes

Don’t Expect: Marketing, Client Management

Your white label PPC service provider can only provide the services related to PPC campaigns, PPC campaign Management, and pre-sales help as mentioned above. He is not your marketing partner or client support team. So do not expect them to

  • Market your services
  • Find new clients for your agency
  • Manage your clients
  • Manage your agency business


White Label PPC journey starts with understanding the industry, the opportunities, and threats and making the critical decision of whether it’s the right solution for your agency.

To be a successful PPC Management Company, it’s essential to stay informed about the best platforms, campaign components, and cost structures. The right White Label PPC partner can make all the difference and guide you through the complexities of PPC management.

To gain the maximum growth and retain clients it requires a clear understanding of both pre-sales processes and ongoing client management. White Label PPC can help your agency grow in leaps and bounds if executed with the right knowledgeable and trustworthy partners.

Grow your Agency with White Label PPC

Our PPC team can start your projects tomorrow