The New AI-Powered Brand Recommendations in Google Ads 2024


Every time Google comes up with a new update that helps marketers and users. In that way, this time Google has brought in a new feature that has tailored suggestions to help marketers optimize awareness and consideration campaigns.  

Brand Recommendations on Google Ads

Brand Recommendation powered by AI is a feature that will help you refine the brand awareness and consideration campaign.

You will be able to find the Brand Recommendations feature under the “Recommendations option” on Google Ads. As said above this feature can span between awareness campaigns and consideration campaigns (cost per thousand [CPM] and cost per view [CPV]).

Google’s Brand Recommendations feature will appear next to the current existing performance-related recommendations for the cost-per-action campaigns. Since this feature is AI-powered, it will provide a full-funnel optimization choice according to the convenience of the marketers.

Source: Google

The new feature works based on your client’s account history, the campaign setting, and the ongoing trends in the industry. In simple terms, this can be a good opportunity for you to get to know about new techniques and apply them to your client’s account that would help them to achieve their goals.

Brand Recommendations can differ from person to person according to their campaign settings and would be updated then and there. Google also advises to check the latest updates in the recommendations.

The Brand Recommendation is sorted based on some categories.

AI-powered Brand recommendations are based on certain categories

To help marketers optimize their clients’ campaigns, the Brand recommendation is being categorized under these categories.

Ads and Assets

With ad recommendations, you will be able to refine brand ads, create new ads, filter out the best-performing ads, and can be commonly used for sorting out better ad groups. The asset recommendation will help in improvising ad performance and can help your client achieve their target. Some of the Ads and asset recommendations include

  • Add bumper ads
  • Include video aspect ration
  • Funnel up with brand campaign

Bidding and Budgets

These recommendations can assist you in finding the right bid strategy that can help in attaining the campaign goals and also make sure that the campaigns are not limited by bids or budget. When you use this recommendation you will have an impact estimate of the brand, which would help the advertiser make adjustments for better brand awareness. This can also increase market share by getting hold of new customers. Here are a few examples of these types of recommendations

  • Adjust your CPM (cost per thousand impressions) budgets for flighted budgets
  • Adjust your CPV (cost per view) budgets for flighted budgets
  • Adjust your tCPM (Target cost per thousand impressions) bids

Keyword and Targeting

This recommendation helps in reaching more audiences who are interested in what the advertiser has to offer. Some of these suggestions include

  • opt-in to audience expansion
  • new ad group without contextual targeting

Measurement Recommendation

Measurement recommendation unlocks an additional feature that provides better insights that can help in the improvement of campaign performance. Here is an example of such a recommendation

  • Link YouTube in Google ads.
How to access AI-powered Brand Recommendations for your client’s Google Ads?
  • Open the Google Ads account
  • Click active CPM or CPV campaign
  • Check for updates

Google suggests adopting these recommendations to achieve campaign goals.

Key Takeaway

In this blog, we’ve explored the exciting new AI-powered Brand Recommendations feature on Google Ads. Here’s a summary of what it offers:

  • Customized Recommendations: Tailored suggestions to optimize your campaigns.
  • Regular Updates: Stay informed with frequent updates in the recommendations tab.
  • Access to Trends: Discover current best practices and insights from leading brand marketers.
  • Ad Refinement: Enhance and refine your brand ads for better performance.
  • Optimal Bid Strategies: Identify the best bid strategies to achieve your campaign goals.
  • Enhanced Insights: Gain deeper insights to improve overall campaign performance.

This new feature from Google can significantly boost your client’s campaign success. Need assistance? Give us a call—our team of Google Ads experts is always ready to help you out!

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