How Can You Benefit Out of Using Google Remarketing Ads?


Have you ever wondered, if there are more clicks yet the conversion rate is very low? This is because some customers visit the website and end up abandoning it for some reason. Do you think these kinds of customers can be brought back?

If you ask us, we would say Yes!

This can be possible with the help of the Google Remarketing feature.  Finding it interesting? Let us first look into what Google Remarketing means.

What is Google Remarketing?

Remarketing can also be called as Retargeting. Google Ads Remarketing is an online advertising technique used to target customers who have already visited your website. The visitors who left the website will see these Google Remarketing ads of your website while browsing on the web or watching something on YouTube.   

Types of Google Ads Remarketing

1. Standard Remarketing

This feature works on the Display ads network.

2. Dynamic Remarketing

This feature would show the particular product or service they viewed on your client’s website.

3. Mobile apps Remarketing

This feature will allow you to display your Google ads in the apps the visitors are using. But this feature works only if the app contains advertisements.

4. Remarketing list for search ads (RLSA)

This feature will display your Google ads over Search Network. This feature can be customized according to the target audience.

5. Video Remarketing

This feature will allow your ads to be displayed on video platforms like YouTube.

How does Google Ads Remarketing Campaign work?

When a customer visits your client’s website it means that they are interested in your products or services and when they suddenly leave, there might be some reasons. For them to get back to you, you are creating the Google remarketing campaign that will show up on the web page they are watching. But for that, you should know how remarketing works.

If you are already aware of it just bypass this. For those who have Google ads, all you have to do is insert the Google remarketing code to the client’s website.

For better understanding let us put it in the form of an example. Let’s say your client sells clothing apparel and you have inserted the remarketing tag in the page that has shirts. Whenever a customer abandons your client’s website, you can grab them back using the Google ads remarketing technique by sending offers or free shipping. This can be done by using the Google Remarketing list.

Did you know? 68% of Digital Marketing Agencies have a clear planned budget for Google Remarketing Ads.

What is the Google Ads Remarketing list?

Segmenting the audience according to certain groups based on what they have viewed in the last 30 days. This list can be a huge one, we will be looking into the basic categories on which this list can be made.

Before getting into the list, let us first know how to create one.

  • Open Google Analytics > Admin (in the lower right corner)
  • Click Audience Definition
  • Select Audiences from the list
  • Hit that New Audience button

Here you will be able to create the Google Ads Remarketing list. Well, that’s all set now, let us look into the Google Ads Remarketing list.

The Remarketing list can be based on,

  • Page views
  • Website Engagement
  • Social Engagement
  • Customer uploads
  • Time spent on the page

These are the categories the Remarketing Ads are based on.

Why use Google Remarketing list?

When you use the Google Remarketing list it will help,

Getting hold of previously visited customers

This is the core concept of Remarketing ads. To bring back the customers who have previously visited the website and left without converting.

Gain a better conversion rate

When a customer leaves the website and if you reach out to them, there are multiple possibilities for them to convert, as they are familiar with the website. These Remarketing ads campaigns have a higher conversion rate compared to targeting new customers.

Personalized way of reaching out

Everyone loves it when they are given priority, especially when it comes directly from the seller. Using the Remarketing ads, you will be able to filter out the customers according to the remarketing list. This will help you in reaching out to customers accordingly.

Never let them forget

When your Remarketing ads hit the user device it will help them recall about your website. When your ads are being shown multiple times, there is an increased chance for conversion.

This is why you should give importance to the Remarketing list when creating a Google Remarketing ad campaign.

How to set up Google ads Remarketing codes for your client’s website?

If you already have Google Analytics there is not much work to do. Follow these simple steps;

  • Open Google Analytics
  • Go to the Admin section
  • Select tracking info > data collection
  • Turn on the Remarketing option

Whereas if you are new, here is how you can do it;

  • Open the Google Ads account
  • Click the tools option
  • Under the Shared library click Audience Manager
  • From the menu select Audience sources
  • Select Google ads tag card > details
  • Set up tag
  • In the bottom click Use Tag Manager
  • Take a copy of the Conversion ID
  • Use this tag


  gtag(‘event’, ‘conversion’, {

      ‘send_to’: ‘AW-123456733/AnExaMPleC0Nv3rS10nLaBel’,

      ‘aw_remarketing_only’: true



  • After copying the Conversion ID > Google Tag Manager
  • Tag configuration > Google Ads Remarketing

This is how you should set up the Remarketing tag for your client’s website. If you are finding it difficult to do it, get support from a PPC agency.

What are the positives of Google remarketing ads for your clients?

In the above image, you will be able to find the increase in click-through rate after the use of the Google Remarketing Ads campaign. The click-through rate has drastically increased when compared with the first-time visitors. There is a greater chance for an increase in conversion rate.

If you wish to see results like these in your client’s Google Ads campaign too, then get help from a PPC agency.

There are many genuine PPC Agencies out there to help you create Remarketing ad campaigns for your website and gain lost customers.

You might wonder if Google is the only search engine with Remarketing ads. Well similar to Google ads, if you have come across Facebook, you would have found a similar concept of remarketing client’s products over that social media but in the form of Facebook ads.

So, now you would have come up with a question, what are the uses of Remarketing ads?

  • Your ad would travel across Google and its channel websites. Speaking of which Google has over 2 million websites and this giant can cover the whole internet.
  • You can customize the ad based on demographics, devices, language and much more.
  • The tracking and the customization can be done on Google Analytics itself.
  • The ad design can be customized as well
  • Affordable cost
  • Majority leads to conversions

Did you know? Over 33% of marketers gained new customers by using Google Remarketing Ads for their clients.

Now you know, everything about Google Remarketing Ads. This is one of the powerful tools by Google. There are many places where you might stumble, but if you get hold of the hands of a White Label Google ads marketer, we are sure you will have nothing to worry about.

whiteDigital | A White Label Digital Marketing expert

We are a team of experts who have years of experience and knowledge on how to handle all aspects of Digital marketing.  Remarketing is one of them. We have been implying Google Remarketing Ads for our client for a better level of conversion rate. So, if you have any doubts or queries, feel free to contact us.

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