Within 3 months, overall conversion increased from 8 to 26, resulting in a remarkable 225% increase & cost per conversion reduced from $115.13 to $40.17

Increased Conversions and Reduced the CPA from $115.13 to $40.17Hardscaping Service In Pennsylvania

Top 5 Primary Keywords;

Hardscaping Service In Pennsylvania

The Challenge We Faced:

Upon onboarding, the client’s Google Ads campaign faced significant challenges. The campaign structure lacked organization, incorporating irrelevant keywords that failed to align with the target audience. Additionally, search terms with high cost spend and no conversions were not flagged as negative keywords. As a result, the cost per conversion was 100% higher than the industry average for the hardscaping services sector. These issues contributed to inefficient spending and reduced campaign performance.

What We Have Done:

At WhiteDigital, we began by thoroughly analyzing the existing campaign structure and data. Based on our findings, we conducted detailed keyword research focused on the hardscaping services offered by the client. We selected high-conversion intent keywords and organized them into different themes, such as location-based, service-based, and more. Examples include “hardscaping near me,” “hardscaping services,” and “hardscaping company.”
Additionally, we performed regular search term analyses to identify and exclude irrelevant terms by adding them as negative keywords. We also created new negative keyword lists for competitors and location-based terms, ensuring irrelevant searches were filtered out and the campaign remained targeted and efficient

What We Achieved:

Within just three months of managing the campaigns, our strategic optimizations yielded remarkable results. The overall number of conversions surged from 8 to 26, indicating a substantial increase in campaign effectiveness. Furthermore, we successfully reduced the cost per conversion from $115.13 to $40.17, demonstrating a significant improvement in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. These achievements culminated in a remarkable 225% increase in conversions, showcasing the tangible impact of our targeted approach and meticulous optimizations on the client’s Google Ads campaign.
  • Google Ads Campaign Manager
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • GA4
  • Performance Planner
  • CallRail
  • Ahref
  • EzyPMS Account Management Tool
  • Ads Editor
  • Google Ads API (Internal Search Term Analysis & Bid Management Tool, Gemini AI).